In the past, Lamborghini's names for their vehicles have always been associated with some well-known fighting bull. With the cow Urus name, that has changed. Now, Lamborghini has moved even further away from bull names with the trademark application "Huracan."
If sounds like "hurricane" to you, it is. The name is completely unrelated to cows and bulls, but is still a nice name for a Lamborghini nonetheless. The origin of the word is Spanish, and the English actually stole it from Spanish. Well, the Spanish stole it from the Mayans, too.
Another recent trademark filing from Lamborghini is Deimos, the Greek god of terror and dread. I'm not sure I want to own a car with that name...
One of the names will likely be used for the production version of the Urus concept (the styling has grown on me). The other will probably used for the upcoming Gallardo substitute. In any case, both of these names will used, in either concept or production uses. Lamborghini rarely randomly files trademark applications they don't use, and this shouddn't change that trend.
However, don't expect a fourth model to Lamborghini's lineup of cars; it should stay at three.
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