Some people on the road today really should get a sense of what you should do while on the road. On a recent survey, Americans voted that texters are the most annoying people driving. I completely agree. Seriously, people should really be looking at the road while driving, not your phone's screen. I really wouldn't want to get in an accident just because somebody decided that his/her conversation with a friend was more important than his/her own life, not to mention other people's.
Then there are the traffic jams. Most of the time, it's because there's simply too many cars. In certain cases, however, people slow down too look at an accident on the other side of the road. It's really frustrating. Satisfying your curiosity doesn't justify having to back up the entire highway.
Another thing I really dislike is when people drive huge-butt trucks and take up space in a parking space at the supermarket, leaving no space for anyone else to park in the spaces surrounding it. I mean, really, do you need a F-250 to make a run to the mall? It's especially true in Texas, where people drive giant SUVs and pickup trucks just to look "cool". Not only are they not necessary, they also eat up tons of gas, and spew out more carbon dioxide than they need to.
I would like to elaborate more, but unfortunately that is all the time I have tonight. Thanks for reading!
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